Why Your Business Should Be Using Talent Acquisition Software

June 27, 2018

Every business owner at one point or another must lay out a plan to build the most efficient team for their business. We have gone from the traditional newspaper listing for a position to recruiting websites such as Monster or Indeed. As we move forward, and technology goes from being a luxury to a necessity, we should examine the most efficient way to cipher through potentially thousands of electronic applications – all while training existing employees as well!

What is Talent Acquisition Software?

Talent acquisition software (TAS) are tools that are used by talent acquisition professionals, recruiters, and hiring managers to efficiently source, screen, and hire potential candidates that have applied to a business. Many different companies offer their own programs that they have developed, so the programs will vary in terms of services offered from one another. These tools can also be used to develop a training program for hired employees and bring down the overall employee turnover rate of a business.

What are the specifics of it?

  • Applicant Tracking – Many businesses are presented with up to thousands of potential candidates as they apply electronically to an online job listing. The entire process can be extremely competitive, with many potential “perfect matches” falling through the cracks and being left unseen by hiring managers as they manually sort through applications. TAS can be used to efficiently track applicants and make sure that applicants matching the position are always seen.
  • Applicant Filtering – Job hunters have often been discovered to submit their resume and application with a single click, something that is offered by services such as Indeed. With that being said, it is easy to apply to many positions at once, even if the hunter doesn’t necessarily fit the criteria of the posting. TAS tools can filter out candidates that do not match based on their resume, answers to specific application questions, etc.
  • Training – Market Intelligence company Aberdeen reported in a study focused on employee onboarding that companies with unique and efficient onboarding programs are 66 percent more likely to report successful assimilation and lower employee turnover rates. TAS tools can be utilized to develop an engaging onboarding program that will enable employees to reach their full potential.


Talent acquisition software tools can make the life of a business owner much easier. As hiring managers seek to recruit the best for their business, these tools change companies forever – as well as the way we hire, as they highlight perfect matches that could be potentially overlooked by the human eye. Overall employee satisfaction statistics have been falling as turnover rates continue to climb. Onboarding programs are crucial to battling this top HR concern and can be implemented efficiently with the use of TAS tools.

If you would like a list of TAS recommendations – shoot us a message on Facebook!

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